Monday, October 6, 2008

Speed Scrap

I went to my first speed scrap at Scrap Matters last week. My friend Di and I did the scrap together. It was so much fun. We chatted on skype while we scrapped. What is a speed scrap you ask? Well let me tell you how they work. You start off the hour with your first set of directions. They tell you how many pictures to use and if there is an order they want them arranged in. Then they tell you how many papers to use. They continue to give you directions every 10 min through the hour. At the end of the scrap you post your layout in the gallery and also on the speed scrap forum. They also give you a free gift for participating.

I'm also taking the Design your Life class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. There is so much information in this class. I completed the pre-work page but haven't gotten to the week one homework yet. Typical me - I'm in the lagger group again. And not for lack of time. It's the procrastinator in me. I keep thinking I need to listen to the video/slide show, but I haven't done it yet. So I finally just looked at the homework. It looks much easier than I anticipated. Now I just need to figure out what photos I'm going to use and get on the ball and do it.

I spent hours yesterday scanning photos from our Hawaii trip that we took in 2000. I want to get this album finished. I had started it years and years ago (paper obviously) but I think I'm going to redo it digitally since I prefer that method so much more. After I got the photos all scanned in and uploaded into iphoto on the desktop, I needed to copy them to a cd to put on my laptop. Have I told you that I've gotten really weak? Well talk about being frustrated over it. I couldn't get the darn cd container open! Man I was so mad. I took a screwdriver to try and pry the container open - and nothing. So I have to wait for Krystin to get home from school today to get it open so I can copy the photos.

Ok well that's it for now. Hope you have a great day.